
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Photo

We had to read a book and review it below. It had to be interesting enough so that someone else would want to read it.

The story is the motorbike photo it is about his grandad that is famous. Zak would want to take. The photo to school. And tell his friends about it. It but when he opened the envelope it was not there he was upset he was not happy about it. To he was just feeling sad. And they look everywhere for it but they. Didn't find it. It when zak was walking to go home he quickly got to his room so his mum didn't know about the photo.   To ask him if his friend liked him he sat down and he was still looking for it then he found the photo mum came and did your friends like it and zak said I forgot it if my friends. Want to come and look at my photo they would have to come to my house his mum said yes.       

The Best Day

The best day was my nan's birthday. We had heaps of cupcakes.
Caramel it was so yum we had a fire because it was cold there were heps 
of people, there was my nan my auntie and the baby we had some food 
it was so yummy and my big brother was there and me and my 
little brother too  

Make Up Sentences For These Letters

Alliteration is when the words in a sentence or phrase beginning with the same sound.  e.g. Seven sneaky snakes sneezed suddenly in front of Sundown.

1 B because I like them. 2 T my teacher tells me to do my work. 3 A there is a bug. 4 M my dad would always do work.5 L my brother says i love you.  

We Had To Write a List of Words

Write a list of words that start with the letter C - for Coronavirus. Time yourself for 2 minutes and see how many words you can write. You could race a family member to see who gets the most words. Try with the first letter of your name when you are finished, or choose your own letter to try!

  Clapping .

We Had To Pulled a Prank

17th of April 2020

One day me and my cousin I pulled a prank on my dad with my toy siren.
He thought that there was a real emergency but it was a joke, then i said

April fools.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Opposite

Antonyms are simply a word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad and good).
we had to do the opposite 

Below - Above.
Shy - Confident.
Tight - Loose.
Heavy - Light.
Smooth - Rough.

Clean - Dirty.
Under - Over.
Love - Hate.
Truth - Lie. 
Sink - Float.

Strong - weak. 
Thin thick. 
Inside outside. 
Hi bye. 
Throw catch. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Homonyms are words that sound the same but have a different meaning e.g. here/hair.

Use a dictionary to define the following words then write a sentence for each one to show its correct meaning.  

I am cooking some meat
I am going to meet someone 
Hole -whole whole there is a shooting star 
There is a hole in the ground
Sunday-sun the sun is good 
Two-to i am going to the park
Pear-pair i am getting a pair of apples 

 It is Sunday we have to go back to school